Research & Development

Orally Disintegrating Nitric Oxide Generating Lozenge

NOi has developed an orally disintegrating nitric oxide generating lozenge. NOi seeks to Fast Track our lozenge in the fight against COVID 19 and to improve or prevent cardiovascular disease.

Nitric Oxide Generating Topical for Wound Care

NOi has developed and clinically tested a wound care topical. The nitric oxide generating topical improves vascularity which promotes improved blood flow and oxygen to the injury site. Rapid healing of skin injury, surgical sites with reduced scarring and the prevention and treatment of stages I-IV tissue injury have all been noted The anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties are essential to prevent potentially fatal infections such as MRSA.

Nitric Oxide Generating Topical for Dermatology

NOi has developed and clinically tested skincare a topical to be used by Dermatologists. The nitric oxide generating topical features anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties that are essential to prevent and heal acne. Extensive testing has shown the skincare topical is very effective in the treatment of skin conditions such as Rosacea and Eczema. The nitric oxide improves the blood flow to the microvascular structures of the skin leading to rapid healing and scar prevention.

Nitric Oxide Generating Topical for Hands & Feet to Improve Blood Flow

Slow healing and restricted blood flow to the extremities are commonly found in people with Diabetes and conditions such as Raynauds Syndrome. Use of the topical on hands and feet have shown a rapid return of blood flow. Patients with Raynauds Syndrome report marked improvement with hand color changing from blue to a healthy pink within 2 - 3 minutes. Nitric oxide promotes improved blood flow and healing of diabetic ulcers, bruising and associated skin conditions.

The Science

There are two ways the body normally produces Nitric Oxide (NO). One is from the amino acid L-arginine. The enzyme nitric oxide synthase that converts L-arginine into nitric oxide becomes uncoupled and dysfunctional over time. In fact, we lose about 10-12% of our endothelial function per decade. Endothelial dysfunction is the earliest event in the onset and progression of most, if not all, chronic diseases.


The other pathway to make nitric oxide is from inorganic nitrate and nitrite found naturally in some foods, particularly green leafy vegetables. However, this is dependent upon eating enough green leafy vegetables that contain sufficient nitrate. It is estimated that a typical Western diet only contains about 150mg of nitrate. We need about 300-400 mg per day to make sufficient nitric oxide. Therefore most people are not getting sufficient nitric oxide from their diet. Furthermore, there are many lifestyle choices and commonly used products that completely shut down nitric oxide production from this pathway. The use of anti-septic mouthwash disrupts the oral microbiome responsible for nitrate reduction to NO. Over 200 million Americans use daily mouthwash. Evidence reveals mouthwash disrupts NO production and causes an increase in blood pressure. The use of antacids, specifically proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) also inhibits NO production from both pathways. There are over 200 million prescriptions written for antacids every year. This puts most Americans deficient in NO. It is no longer a mystery why 2 out of 3 Americans have an unsafe elevation in blood pressure.

Nitric Oxide Production Decreases with Age

Nitric oxide production declines naturally over time. This is dependent on diet and lifestyle with some genetic predisposition. By the age of 40, on average, our bodies produce about half the nitric oxide production we had when we were in our late teens and early twenties. This is due to many factors including aging, oxidative stress, poor diet, lack of physical exercise, smoking, diabetes, high sugar diet, certain drug therapy, etc. all resulting in endothelial dysfunction and the progression of disease.